

How much does it cost?
Your site can cost between $3 and $100 depending on which add-ons you choose. Our average purchase is $36.00 for a site for one full year. Check out all of our add-on choices and their individual per year prices on our pricing page. Read more about our websites.
How Do I Create My Own Wedding Website? |
| Step by step instructions on how you can build your own wedding website. |
What does it cost? |
| View current prices, descriptions, and examples of available wedding website add-ons. |
Frequently Asked Questions |
| Find the answer to your question in our FAQ. |





Couple Account Setup and Free Trial Setup

Sign Up for a Free Trial
To sign up for a one-week
free trial choose a login and password (above). Once you are in PageBuilder,
follow the process it takes you through. When you get to the add-ons page, simply checkmark "Free Trial" next to each
add-on that you would like to try. Hit "Next" and enter information for each of the add-ons, then go to your site!